here is an interesting way to play with colors created by Jim Lambie. Jim Lambie, a Scottish artist, is best known for his striped vinyl floor pieces, which have covered the floors and stairs of multiple gallery and museum spaces in the United States and Europe.The artist meticulously adheres vinyl tape to the floor in a geometric pattern that responds to the building’s architecture.The project presented in this post is called “ZOBOP!” and is a dizzying installation of meandering parallel strips of colored tape laid on the lobby floor and up some stairs of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. |
Here are some other examples of vinyl floor tape.................................
if you have the patience for a project like this it can be a great DIY and inexpensive way to update your floors. vinyl floor tape is widely available in a variety of colors.
wow!!! that stairway is sooo cool... I did a wallpaper out of tape too! I'll make sure to post some pictures when I'm done with it
This is really interesting and I guess it best suites places like art galleries or museums or even playrooms. This just adds more style and life to the overall design. Indeed, vinyl floor tapes have so much to offer (consult your concrete contractors Cook County just in case). Thank you for this inspiring post.